Congratulations! You’ve decided you want a new website, one that accurately represents what you do and who you are. You’ve come to the right place.


Crescendo Packages

The first step is to decide which complete package fits your needs. We’ve broken it down into three options – Lightweight, Welterweight and Heavyweight. Each have core traits that make any website successful. For example, CMS, Analytics and even Hosting & Support. But as you make your way up the package weight scale, you’ll find extras that make your website more robust and validating.

Crescendo content types

We also offer a number of varying content types for you to choose from. Testimonials, Portfolios and News are just a few content types your new website might need. Head on over to our PACKAGES page to compare the three options and see which is the best fit for you.

Internet Fame!

Once you put together your dream package, we take it from there (with your help of course). You’ve now begun your journey to internet fame* and a really awesome website that any business owner would be proud to call their own. Isn’t it time you said hello to Crescendo? *Internet fame not guaranteed

Our 12 Meeting Process

Over the course of 12 half hour meetings, we’ll partner with you in the design process, reaching a mutual understanding on what your website will look like and how it will work. You'll know exactly what we're working on and we'll know exactly what you want... because we ask you. It is your website after all . Here's a preview of some of the meetings.














Colors | Crescendo


You’ve got your look but let us be your eye.

You’ve got the creative power of a design agency behind you. Here's a preview of what our journey will look like.

Colors | Crescendo


We’ve got what we need now. Sit back, relax and watch us build.

We make things easy for you. Unlike other web projects you've been involved in, we design and build your site at the same time. This means you get to see a live, working preview early on in the process.

Colors | Crescendo


Did you know having a responsive site makes Google happy? A happy Google means better SEO.

We’ve been doing this for a while and learned a few things along the way. We love to share our knowledge because the more you know, the more power and freedom you'll have to grow your business.